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Our Church


The Purpose of the Mission Ministry is to go forth as representatives of God, spreading His message with words and works. Wherever there is darkness,

we are to shine His light of love and salvation that we may fulfill God's plan of teaching and serving.


(Matthew 5.16) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your

good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.




1. To visit the members of our congregation who are ill and advise the

Pastor of our visits.

2. When visiting those who are ill, whether in the home, in the hospital, or a nursing home, we are to render our services wherever we see a need.

3. To make ourselves available when community needs are identified and

to act accordingly.

4. To provide leadership for the relief of the poor in our community and


5. To participate in-group study, seminars, and institutes, in order to better prepare us for the work of Mission.




Contact Information:

Carol Jackson


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