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Our Church


The Baptismal committee counsels each new candidate for baptism on a scriptural basis. Assist the baptism candidate before, during, and after the baptism.


We greet the new candidates the day that they make their statements and discuss with them the process of Baptismal training. In the case of children, we request to meet with the parents, but in the absence of the parents, the pamphlets are distributed and the introduction is made at that time. Also instructions are given as to when to arrive for the training and how long it will take. In the event of adults, they are informed of the date and time of each meeting and encouraged to be prompt. We utilize the same hours as the New Members Orientation group, 4:00p.m to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, for a series of 2 to 3 weeks (depending on the age of the candidates an the need for further understanding of what the ceremony represents) prior to the baptism on the scheduled 4th Sunday of each month.




Contact Information:

Deacon Bobby & Sis. Jeanette McDaniel


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